
urban landscapes

This set of photographs were all taken in the Digbeth area to add variety to them I have used different techniques in Photoshop instead of different settings on the camera, the focus of these images is to show how in "urban" areas even though from far away they all look very similar these is a lot of variation even in this one area.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Experimenting with shutter speed







Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Dom Sebastian

Dom Sebastian is a photographer, fashion designer, graphic artist and painter known very well by his target audience on sites such as tumblr, his photography work definitely has a very unique style each month he releases a different project whether it is a new clothing item or photo set i am always impressed, but his photography is the main reason i looked into him in the first place, i saw this image one day whilst on tumblr and it got my attention straight away i love the use of different colours of lighting and how strong the shadows are and the overall dreamy surreal look to it. I will try to use the coloured lighting effects in my studio photography work

Monday, 15 September 2014

Ralph John Perou

Ralph John Perou

Professional Career 

After graduating in 1994 Perou worked at Click Studios in London as a studio manager where he met many of the world’s leading photographers of the time, other assistants and the people behind Dazed & Confused magazine.

It was during his time at Click Studios that Perou learned photography professionally. He started shooting for editorial clients like Time OutSkin Two and Dazed & Confused magazines. He also started shooting bands, following work that he did with his friends who were in the band Elcka.In 1995, Perou moved to the first floor of a converted fire station in Old Street, London. Shortly after, Dazed & Confused relocated to the ground floor of the same building and Perou started working on the picture desk with the photographic director, Phil Poynter. Perou continued to shoot for magazines and record companies and left Dazed & Confused around 1997.